Foreplay Tips
Foreplay Tips
Blog Article
Foreplay is an important and crucial part of the whole lovemaking process. It is simply defined as everything you do that comes before actual intercourse. A couple needs foreplay to spice up their sex life, get fully aroused, and heighten pleasure.
Men are from Mars:
Sometimes men need prolonged foreplay to get an erection. Foreplay for men is relatively simple and easy. The direct touching of the genitals usually does the trick. But for those women, who want to tantalize their men into submission remember these five foreplay-for-him maneuvers.
1. Visuals play a vital role, so a sexy clothe would be a nice touch but giving him an unadulterated view of your body will be the hottest gift. Reinforce this view with some steamy moves guaranteed to thrill, like giving him a strip tease.
2. Let your parted lips roam his body, like his stomach or chest, then slowly exhale. The rush of hot air will change the temperature in his skin and heighten his arousal.
3. Seize control and show your animal instinct. You’ll be surprise to know that men crave seduction as much as a woman and being aggressive is a sign of lust and that you?re as into it as he is.
4. Excite them with touch. Guys are especially touchy when they are between the sheets. Giving him butt massages and long but gentle scratches up and down their back will turn your man right on.
5. Do what ever it is you are doing to bring him to the brink. Then ease up, not necessarily stopping, but put off the good thing for a while. Do this a few times until he screams “enough already.”
Women are from Venus:
Women need foreplay to become properly lubricated. For women foreplay is a bit more complicated. Direct genital touching is the last place you should go, consider every where else on her body as a good place to touch, massage and kiss before you go there. Letting her know that she is wanted for more than sex, that she is cared about as a woman, is what really turns her on. Here is a five step plan to help her get ready.
1. Nothing is more important to a woman than knowing that you have a connection. It can be as simple as telling her that you were thinking about her, and missed her, nothing over-the-top, just honest and caring conversation.
2. Remember that being intimate does not have to mean being sexual. Once in a while ask her probing questions and give her more than one-word replies when she asks you the same. Confide in her, and let her know that you appreciate her listening.
3. Establish physical contact without being sexual, like holding her hand, giving her massages, do anything to simply make contact without mauling her.
4. Kissing, for women, is an incredible turn on. You have to remember that women sees kissing as another form of emotional intimacy so do not go to a lot of tongue action right away. It will be good to start with a brief caressing of lips and pay attention to whether or not she’s digging it. If she is, continue from there with a bit more passion but always be aware of whether she is reciprocating. A great trick is to imitate her kissing style, as it’s surely a sign of what she likes!
5. Remember that from kissing her until the “heavy petting” stage, there should be some interval in between. The duration of the kiss will depend on how hot and bothered you both get. The longer 야구중계 and slower you kiss her, the more experienced you’ll seem, and the she’ll be excited.
There is no time limit on foreplay, usually the longer it takes the more sensitized your skin becomes and sends your senses to haywire that leads to explosive orgasm. The key is to start intercourse when you are both fully aroused and having a hard time controlling your desires.
Remember that initiating sex, breaking routine, exploration, new places, new positions, and letting her know that she is wanted sexually is what turns her on.